As anyone that regularly reads this blog, or just glances at the most recent posts, knows I haven’t been the best at keeping up to date with current episodes and whatnot. The main reason for this is that I’ve been spending more time focusing on school. I did still try to do what I could when I had some free time, but finding myself this close to finals and with a ton more reviews piling up I’ve decided to make it official. I’m going to be going on hiatus until finals are over. Because of the classes I’m taking there won’t be any reviewing, just a lot of paper writing and final projects finishing. This takes a lot of time and needs all my focus. So unfortunately even the series I was up to date on get to be delayed for a little bit, but don’t worry, as soon as the semester is over I’ll be right back to work.
The good news is that my last final project is due on December 14th. So I only have nine more days before I’ll be done with all this. I can’t promise that something will go up immediately, but I think I’ll be able to get some work done, at least watch a few episodes right after I finish said final. So who knows, it’ll only be about two weeks before I have something for you.
Hope you can all hold on until then, and see you soon.