Links 1/3/12

I figure a good way to get some more traffic to my blog, as well as help out friends, I should start imitating other bloggers and regularly post links to posts that I’ve read. I’ve been linked a few times, and figure I should return the favor and link more often. All part of being part of the blogging community and all that fun stuff. Please keep in mind that since this is the first time I try this, I’ll be borrowing formatting and such things from other bloggers, until I figure out what works for me.

I also have a few posts that will be coming up shortly. I should also have more links on Friday, I’ll try to make a habit of posting them all then.

Nathan Major posts an epic review of the Kindle Fire tablet, and gets into the nuts and bolts of if you should get one.

Jason Secrest finally updates his Mansion House blog with a personal chastisement for not writing as often as he should.

Bec posts a new recipe for pulled pork and biscuits. I fully volunteer to help finish off the leftovers.

Kate Dacey introduces the next Manga Movable Feast early enough to make preparations. This next one is Usamaru Furuya, I don’t know if I’ll write anything new, but I have at least one old review I can volunteer for the archives. She also posts the schedule up through July. Got a few coming up that I’m interested in, mostly because it’s a good chance for me to expand my manga tastes even more.

That Anime Blog discuss the upcoming anime releases.

Bob Anderson dies at age 89.

Deb Aoki lists the ten Must-Read Shoujo Manga.

Anime Reviews:
Natsume Yuujin-chou Shi First Look by Lu at Animeshoon

Detective Academy Q by Joojoobees at Abandoned Factory Anime Review

Manga Reviews:
A Bride’s Story by Justin at Organization Anti-Social Geniuses
A Bride’s Story by Rob McMonigal at Panel Patter
Fullmetal Alchemist Volume 25 by Connie at Slightly Biased Manga
Higurashi: When They Cry Volume 16 by Sean Gaffey at A Case Suitable for Treatment


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