Well, here we are at the end of the three day convention. I know my reports haven’t been that great. Well, too bad. So much has been going on that I’ve been mentally drained for the duration of the Con.
I didn’t go till later in the day, the Con started at nine, I was halfway through karate training at that point. I went home, took a bath, had some food, and around twelve-ish I was back on campus and in the convention.
I started off with a presentation on Family Friendly Anime. Got some new ideas for shows worth watching, especially ones for kids. But a lot of what was presented I already knew about.
Overall, the panels were enjoyable, but nothing really mind blowing. However, I did have fun during the Writing Excuses Podcast recording session. After that I attended the readings of James Dashner and Dan Wells. Some good books there. I look forward to getting my copy of I am not a Serial Killer, and reading The Maze Runner, of which I already own a copy.
There was a panel that I attended that was actually kind of useful, it was about Writing a Good Blog, something I really need to learn how to do. I learned that book blogs can get advance review copies of books if they ask publishers for them. How very interesting…
Let me figure out how to do this, and who knows? I like free things. Wonder if Viz does something similar with manga? Couldn’t hurt to try, since I plan to be reviewing individual manga volumes anyway. But if I can get advance copies of their releases, that would be perfect.
Humm…I’ve found where to contact them. Now let’s see if contacting and asking does any good.
I’ll keep you updated.