The Story
During a great war between the human and demon world, a hero arises to face the demon king. But the hero discovers the demon king is actually a young girl, who tells him the war is actually a front benefiting both sides. Thanks to the war the central human nations are benefiting from wartime commerce. The demon king convinces the hero to join with her and do…something.
The Review
I regret everything I said about the three minute long shows! Please bring the fast pacing back! This show held some promise for me, it had decent looking art, an interesting story idea. The biggest problem I have with this first episode is that it’s looking to be a love story with the trappings of an epic fantasy.
This in itself would not be a big problem, in fact it could be pretty good. My biggest problem is that this first episode spends its entire run time establishing the world and the conflict that I have no idea what this show is even actually supposed to be about. The demon king trying to get the hero to join her is confusing because she never actually comes out and says what she wants. Sure there are romantic overtones, but nothing that actually explains what in the heck is going on. I don’t think we even get to learn either of their names.
There are some hints throughout the episode at something that might be entertaining, but I’m not too hopeful. If the production team feels they need to spend an entire episode setting the stage for their series, rather than actually show us a story while setting that stage, then I’m worried I can’t expect much more.
I’m continuing with this one based on the potential alone. This first episode did not impress. I’m thinking I might stick with it for a few more episodes, and see where those go. But unless something impressive happens shortly I probably will drop this one and not regret the loss. A good chunk of that potential is buried under the very obvious magical girlfriend tropes. The hero has no discernable characteristics, and the demon king is basically a cute, very attractive girl. This is shaping up to be less of a story and more a wish fulfillment for lonely otaku.
Oh yes, there’s a lot of cleavage in this episode. Insane amounts. I don’t know if this is going to be a fanservice show along the lines of the traditional fanservice show, since the demon king actually is wearing a fairly traditional dress. It’s just that the dress comes from a time when people really liked them some cleavage. Will this go beyond her having big breasts and having a lot of cleavage? I have no idea yet. If it sticks to that the series might be salvageable, but the moment we get a hot springs episode I’m jumping ship.
The Grade
I’m having a hard time grading this one. On the one hand it has potential. On the other hand this episode was very boring and had more cheesecake than I can endorse.