Plot Summary
Hilda has a nightmare about Oga’s declaration back at the end of the fight against En’s people, about how he wouldn’t allow Beel to destroy the world. She wakes up feeling unnecessary, and angry at Oga, thinking that he wants to replace her. That Beel would love Oga more than he does her.
At school a strange old man is looking for Oga, and when he finds him Oga just leaves. The rest of the Ishiyama class have found out that their school has been rebuilt, and they all head over to get a look at it and to be the first to graffiti it.
Oga and Beel have lunch on the roof, and Hilda brings Oga’s lunch, having thought Oga left the bottle of milk behind. She notices a strong demonic presence, and gets herself and the other two to cover, in time to see the old man from before, and Saotome, Aoi’s grandfather, and the principal facing off against him. They reveal that he is Behemoth, and attack him, despite his insistence that he’s only there to greet them as a neighbor.
The Ishiyama students discover that their newly rebuilt school has been renamed Akumano Academy, and it is now a school owned by En. Inside the school a rather unfortunate and confused teacher is taking roll in a class full of En’s Pillar Generals.
The Ishiyama students break into the school, and are confronted by Agiel, one of the Pillar Generals. She easily takes care of two unnamed Ishiyama thugs, and is about to attack Nene, when Aoi interferes and faces off against Agiel, with Komainu’s help.
My Opinion
Finally, actual plot! I was surprised by how much happened this episode. I’ve recently started testing out a new review strategy, where rather than trying to take notes and screencaps at the same time, I just watch the episode and take screencaps. I then write the review based solely on my memory, right after finishing the episode. It’s worked well so far, but enough happened this time around that I was worried I might forget something.
While starting back into the plot is great, it doesn’t help that I know the series will be finished in two more episodes. All things considered, I doubt the ending can possibly be all that great. But here’s hoping still, and I’ll at least enjoy the rest of the show while I can.
The fight between Behemoth and the three men was a lot of fun, mostly because it tells us that there’s some awesome backstory here. Three demon hunters, or something like that, that have lived past their prime, but can still kick butt. It hurts that the anime won’t go into that past at all, but that’s what manga is around for.
Most of the episode was here to set up the finale, but it’s looking to be quite interesting. I was pleased with Komainu’s transformation. He’s been my least favorite character in the anime so far, but now that we finally get to see him start to do something awesome I finally feel that his existence has been validated. It also helps that I know there won’t be anymore episodes dedicated to his antics.
I expect a fast paced conclusion from this point on, with plenty of awesome fights. And some proper humor as well. It’s very obvious when a joke is taken from the manga vs a joke the anime staff came up with. There’s just a level difference in the quality.
If you liked my review, Watch the Episode Here!