I know that I said I’d be doing this every Sunday, and despite having said that some time ago, I now find myself doing this, several weeks late. Oh well.
As of recently I’ve been trying ways of monetizing my blog. I don’t expect much, though I wish for it, but for now I’m trying out the amazon associated marketing. So, if you like my review and feel like purchasing the products I reviewed, please do so through the links I provide.
Yeah, yeah, I’m a sellout, but I would like to have a tiny bit of income through this. And frankly, when I review something that I enjoy, I hope to help support the creators by referring people to where they can buy their products.
Anyway, recently I’ve been working on the same book, a YA/Middlegrade novel, that’s mostly for practice, but I’ll be sending it to publishers anyway. I got quite a few more pages written, still way off from my target word count, but it’s getting there. And once I finish it I’ll be able to move on to some other projects.
Speaking of other projects, recently I’ve been able to figure out the overarching plot lines for the two other series that I intend to write. For the next project I intend to write I finally fixed the problem. Aka/ I didn’t have a main antagonist. I had a vague, overall evil force, that wasn’t really a character. Kinda like Sauron. The problem is, I’m not a genius like Tolkien was, so I can’t exactly pull that kind of antagonist off yet.
But, I’ve been practicing, and hopefully the world building I did today will help my next series.